
The Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF) is an atmospheric fluid dynamics modeling tool used in both research and operational settings. WRF development began in the late 1990s through a collaboration between the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), U.S. Air Force, Naval Research Laboratory, University of Oklahoma, and the Federal Aviation Administration. With the goal of meeting demands in both atmospheric research and in operational forecasting situations, WRF has created a global community of more than 48,000 users spanning over 160 countries.

WRF-GCP is a virtual machine (VM) image and infrastructure-as-code supported by Fluid Numerics that gets you up-and-running with WRF on Google Cloud.


We've completely open-sourced all of the scripts and infrastructure-as-code necessary to create your own WRF VM images for Google Cloud. We encourage all of our users to own as much of their infrastructure as possible. You can use our hpc-apps-gcp Github repository to quickly get started with creating WRF VM images to deploy as standalone solutions or as a part of another HPC solution on Google Cloud Platform. To demo this solution, check out our codelab to deploy WRF on an autoscaling HPC cluster on Google Cloud.

We maintain a rigorous CI/CD process for the pre-baked WRF VM images that we serve on Google Cloud. Through the Google Cloud Marketplace, we offer a "click-to-deploy" solution that you can run directly from marketplace or using Terraform infrastructure-as-code. Either way, when you use our supported and quality-controlled WRF-GCP VM images, you gain access to support from Fluid Numerics to help you get started with our solution. 

The licensing fee of $0.01USD/vCPU/hour helps fund our maintenance of the open-source repository and the support we provide to you.

Managed Services

Fluid Numerics offers managed services to allow your team to focus on what you do best. We can help you get onto the cloud rapidly by offering Cloud Identity and Infrastructure management, in addition to a range of System Administration services. With managed services, we provision and manage your scalable HPC cluster backed by Google Cloud, further accelerating your time-to-science.

We truly believe in service-for-science. Simply reach out to sales@fluidnumerics.com to start the conversation.

Check out our free resources, including codelabs, to help you get started quickly with WRF on Google Cloud.

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